When Steve and Kaye McKaskle began farming in 1973, they had no idea they would be growing popcorn, much less organically, 36 years later, however they needed a corn rotation and popcorn appeared to be the best choice. After their first real harvest in 2009, Kaye asked Steve to bring some popcorn home that was being stored in one of their grain bins. They let the popcorn dry for several days and popped it right on the stove top(not in the microwave). It tasted really good as it had a unique and fresh taste. Kaye said we need to sell this popcorn on our own brand! Thus we named the popcorn after our hometown of Braggadocio and Steve started calling on stores.
We plant a non-GMO (not genetically modified), non-treated seed kernels from the variety P802, developed by the non-profit corporation, Ag Alumni Seed in Romney Indiana. We are proud to say ours is grown organically and on some of the richest soils in Missouri! Click here to get your order form.